March 8, 2021 2021-04-04 15:25CONSULTING
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Maurice Call is the Managing Director of Techmarobea Products Africa Limited.
In the field of waste management I´m sure you know the combustion or pyrolysis of waste makes lots of dioxins and kills the people by cancer. Around such plants the level of cancer increases. The reason of this result is the PVC and teflon which makes through the aromatics of the heating up much more dioxins and furans than allowed (0,000 000 000 1). When you can feel responsibility for the environment and the health of the people, than we should start a negotiation for a good economic and environmental friendly plant with the catalytic conversion under 300°C.
For converting plastics we need some amount of biomass in the feedstock to get enough hydrogen in the process – but there should be no problem.
There are 10 plants operating in Europe, and other countries globally.
Spain Portugal Poland Canada Germany Turkey Croatia
South America Cyprus Magnolia
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